i often say to my friends that my one mother is in PAKISTAN and second one is in GREECE.yes, the muslim mosque and center islamic from GREECE its like my mother. and also one of my teacher MUTAWASAT ALI he helped me in every aspects of my life , he is currently the president of thais mosqu. he told me that the general secertiry of JAMAT E ISLAMI MR. LIAQAT BALOUCH is coming to greece for 3 days tour.so i decided to go there as well.when mr. MUTWASAT came to know that i am coming to greece he also wrote my name with MR.LIAQAT BALOUCH on SHAHADAT IMAM HUSSAIN CONFRENCE. when i see my name on that list i called to MR.MUTWASAT and said sir what are you doing,i maybe not be capabale for this, and then he said com on BILAL we all know you and your capabilities. so you must have to speak even for 10 minutes.so after having journey of 13 hourse i reached to ROME capital city of italy. i catched the flight and landed ETHANNS capital city of GREECE.at 9 p.m.MR.MUTWASAT told me that MR.IMRAN with his some friends will be there to pick you up from airport . when i came outside nobody was there, then i saw MR.IMRAN and some other friends carrying a flower boqet in their hands, they all warmly welcomed me. we all sat in car and MR.IMRAN turned the car towards his house but i said to him i want to go to muslim mosque first before going anywhere.so i went to mosque and offered 2 nawafil ( optional prayer ). at that time MR. QARI KHALID MEHMOOD was performing the immamat with an excellent way.next day when he was towards airport to receive MR.LIAQAT BALOUCH from airport he rang him and excused him that due to a problem i cannot come to GREECE. all get shocked and upset after hearing this , because they all did a great effort for rhis event.. they all get upset for this unexpected news and started discussing what should we do should we do it or postponed it. and then what happened which i was scaring from , MR.MUTWASAT told me to get prepared for todays speech.but i had a 10 minutes speech planned, which i wasnt even prepared for. so finally i decided to go for it and i rang to my mother in PAKISTAN for blessings before going to speech. the event started and ALLHAMDULLIA i deliverd the speech. MR.LIAQAT BALOUCH also had a telephonic apostrophe. after the speech when rang to my my home in PAKISTAN i came to know that my mother was still sitting on musala ( a piece of mat where muslims offer prayer) since morning and praying for you .after finishing the event some journalist and other frends invited me for treat in their houses. they all respected me with love, t was an honour for me. may ALLAH pak bless all of them. so i had a morning flight from greece to italy so i saftely reached in italy MUHAMMAD BILAL

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