Selected by Sufian Zia
Put a small piece of celery in the soil and let it stand for 10 days
Lisa Dyremyhr Bakke
Remains of fruit and vegetables can easily end up in the trash, but it is deleted no reason. Reuse it either and create your own little vegetable garden, writes
YouTube channel Veggietorials has created a guide to vegetables that are suitable to plant again. Celery is one of them:
How to do it:
Cut of seven to eight centimeters in the bottom of the celery and place the bit in a bowl of water. Make sure celery bottom facing down.
So you just have to wait. You will see results after only three days.
After about ten days have formed small roots. Remove the outer layers of celery to make room for more roots.
Vips, so it is ready to be planted out!
Do you get the hang of it, you can with a little time and minimal job become self-sufficient in vegetables. And it is far cheaper than constantly buying new vegetables at the store.
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